Sunday, September 24, 2006
Minor Disasters
After today's ride with Paul and Co. (where i won 'Stack of the Day' by jumping off the bike while my bike ploughed downhill into a tree), i discovered a crack on the front-D cage when i was in the process of bending it back into place with my SOG. Guess the impact of that stack was too much for the poor old front-D (circa 2004). Later on, i found to my horror, the humugous amount of play in my left pedal. Opened it up, and discovered bits of metal and a bunch of little metal spheres all mixed up in the gunk that was the grease. Destroyed bearing! That pair of Eggbeaters (circa 2003) has been giving me nothing but months of faultless service over thousands of off-road kilometres. About time they threw in the towel.
Tomorrow i am heading down to Spoke(n) to sort out a new front-D and a pedal rebuild kit. I may decide to do a brake re-bleed and complete shifter cable change as well. A pity i only discovered these buggered parts a day after Dad flew into Melbourne.
Tomorrow i am heading down to Spoke(n) to sort out a new front-D and a pedal rebuild kit. I may decide to do a brake re-bleed and complete shifter cable change as well. A pity i only discovered these buggered parts a day after Dad flew into Melbourne.