Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Fitness test results
Read this and weep my friends...
Oh yes, it's time for "Tip of the Day" again! Let's not forget that! I bring you two more quickies from the land of AR.
Tip#9: Old newspaper
Stuff old newspapers into your shoes whenever in transition, or waiting for the next lap (usually during an endurance-style mountain bike race). Even if they end up at the bottom of the transition box, at least the shoes will be somewhat drier, and will stink less too.
Tip#10: Tape is important
The all-time AR Hall of Fame Invention - duct tape - must be available at all times. Standard practice is to have 2-3 metres of the stuff wrapped carefully around a water bottle, or 1-2 metres around a trekking pole or bike pump. No point carrying an entire roll, which is bulky as hell. Incorporate the tape onto existing equipment instead.
But why stop there? The same goes for surgical tape, electrician's tape, and cloth tape, which can, and should be wrapped over anything from pens and pencils, lip balm sticks, and bike frames. If really pressed for space (as in a mandatory first aid kit where an entire roll of sports tape would be superfluous), grab a suitably-sized piece of cardboard or stiff paper, and go a few rounds around that to form a thin 'card' of tape which tucks in nicely within the confines of a small Ziploc.
Oh yes, it's time for "Tip of the Day" again! Let's not forget that! I bring you two more quickies from the land of AR.
Tip#9: Old newspaper
Stuff old newspapers into your shoes whenever in transition, or waiting for the next lap (usually during an endurance-style mountain bike race). Even if they end up at the bottom of the transition box, at least the shoes will be somewhat drier, and will stink less too.
Tip#10: Tape is important
The all-time AR Hall of Fame Invention - duct tape - must be available at all times. Standard practice is to have 2-3 metres of the stuff wrapped carefully around a water bottle, or 1-2 metres around a trekking pole or bike pump. No point carrying an entire roll, which is bulky as hell. Incorporate the tape onto existing equipment instead.
But why stop there? The same goes for surgical tape, electrician's tape, and cloth tape, which can, and should be wrapped over anything from pens and pencils, lip balm sticks, and bike frames. If really pressed for space (as in a mandatory first aid kit where an entire roll of sports tape would be superfluous), grab a suitably-sized piece of cardboard or stiff paper, and go a few rounds around that to form a thin 'card' of tape which tucks in nicely within the confines of a small Ziploc.