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Sunday, June 10, 2007

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Saturday, June 09, 2007


Got my MTB back!

I'm overjoyed! Got MY PRECIOUS back finally! Removed it from the ratty ol' bike bag, pumped up its tires and assembled it right away. Tweaked the brakes and drivetrain, outfitted it immediately with the cargo rack, re-mounted the tow line, and lubricated it for good measure. It's good to have gears again!

And the snowshoes: collected them from the post office today. Hope to go for a run with them tomorrow, maybe down at the beach?

Anyway, i'm pushing shite uphill on several fronts now. Journalistically (articles and multimedia to sort through), academically (3x exams to mug for), athletically (the RTN Extreme expedition-length AR), organizationally (preparing for all of the above). I am tremendously baclogged on all these aspects. I just hope to survive the rest of the month.

Will be riding road tomorrow first, catching up with Del (aka the MA boss) over brekky.


Saturday, June 02, 2007


Update #7 - ARWC2007

June 2, 1356hrs GMT - Nevis Center, Fort William

Had another 24 hours out of the loop, but i'm back. Watched Nike finish in first place early yesterday morning at 0607hrs. Went back, slept some more, then spent lunchtime sorting out the footage and photos.

After lunch, it was bike-washing time for the team while they continued sorting through the masses of gear they had. Soon enough, evening rolled round, and i took off a run up the 'Staircase' and canal about a half-hour's jog away from the caravan park we were currently staying in.

Dinner time entailed tucking into the leftover race food! Actually, it was quite a good opportunity to find out more about what tastes good (and what does not) for races.

Anyway, today, the race is all wrapped up. Looking forwrd to the awards presentation and prty tonight!

Wilson Low

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